
The Retail Performance Company GmbH

1. Information about the Service Provider according to Section 5 (1) of the German Telemedia Services Act:

Name: The Retail Performance Company GmbH
Legal Form: Company with limited liability
Address: Pelkovenstraße 145, 80992 Munich, Germany
Phone: +49 89/2000 508-0
Facs.: +49 89/2000 50888-99
Represented by: Christian Feilmeier (Managing Director), Jan Schemuth (Managing Director)
Registration Court: Amtsgericht München
Registration Number: HRB 202744
VAT Identification Number: DE286981171

2. Responsible for journalistically edited Services according to Section 55 of the German Interstate Broadcasting Treaty:

Name: Jan Schemuth
Address: c/o The Retail Performance Company GmbH, Pelkovenstraße 145,80992 München, Deutschland (Limited Liability Company)
Jan Schemuth (Managing Director) – Registration Number: HRB 202744